Daniel Gurczynski

Full Stack Developer


Daniel Gurczynski
Daniel Gurczynski
Daniel Gurczynski
Daniel Gurczynski

Full Stack Developer


About Me

Unlocking Digital Possibilities: 17+ Years of Full Stack Mastery in Daytona Beach

Hello and welcome to my portfolio website! I'm Daniel Gurczynski, a passionate full-stack developer hailing from the sunny shores of Daytona Beach, Florida. With over 17 years of experience in the ever-evolving world of web development, UI design, and graphic design, I've had the privilege of crafting digital experiences that not only look stunning but also function seamlessly.

In the fast-paced realm of technology, I've honed my skills to adapt to the latest trends and technologies. From coding elegant and efficient websites to conceptualizing captivating UI designs, my journey in the digital landscape has been both exciting and rewarding.

As you explore this portfolio, you'll dive into a world of projects that reflect my dedication to innovation, user-centric design, and technical prowess. From e-commerce platforms to sleek mobile apps, I've had the opportunity to work on a diverse range of projects, each with its unique challenges and solutions.

I believe that design and functionality go hand in hand, and I strive to strike the perfect balance in every project I undertake. With a keen eye for aesthetics and a robust understanding of development principles, I create digital solutions that not only meet but exceed expectations.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my portfolio website. I invite you to browse through my work, explore my skills, and get in touch if you're interested in collaborating on your next digital endeavor. Together, we can transform your ideas into visually stunning and highly functional realities.

Let's embark on a journey of innovation and creativity. Welcome to my world of web development and design!

My Services

Creating front-end websites is my passion and expertise. I begin by meticulously planning the user experience, ensuring intuitive navigation and captivating visuals. Leveraging my graphic design skills, I craft pixel-perfect interfaces that seamlessly translate into code. Using a blend of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with the power of React, I breathe life into designs, making them responsive and interactive across all devices.


I employ a variety of UI elements, carefully chosen to enhance user engagement. From intuitive navigation bars to dynamic forms and interactive sliders, I understand the art of using UI elements to create engaging and user-friendly interfaces.


My dedication to performance optimization ensures lightning-fast loading times, providing users with a delightful browsing experience. From concept to execution, I take pride in every detail, making front-end websites that leave a lasting impression.


Empowering Back-End Magic:

Crafting the back-end of websites is where the digital magic truly comes to life. With a foundation in PHP, and the dynamic capabilities of React and Next.js, I bring powerful functionality to web applications.


Using PHP, I create robust server-side solutions that handle data, processing, and authentication with precision. Whether it's building databases, implementing security measures, or ensuring seamless communication between the front-end and back-end, I've got it covered.


But it doesn't stop there. I harness the power of Next.js, React, and Tailwind CSS to create dynamic and visually appealing user interfaces that seamlessly integrate with the back-end. This synergy allows me to deliver not only functionality but also a stellar user experience.


From crafting APIs that enable smooth data exchange to optimizing server performance for scalability, I'm dedicated to ensuring that your website's back-end is a secure, efficient, and reliable engine powering your digital presence. Let's work together to make your web applications truly shine.

WordPress Development

My expertise extends to WordPress, the world's leading content management system. With an in-depth knowledge of WordPress development, I specialize in creating customized, feature-rich websites that cater to your unique needs.


Using WordPress as the backbone of your site, I harness its flexibility to build dynamic and user-friendly web solutions.

Whether you need a personal blog, an e-commerce platform, or a corporate website, I have the experience to transform your vision into a reality.


From crafting bespoke themes to developing custom plugins, I tailor WordPress to suit your specific requirements. I ensure that your website not only looks stunning but also functions seamlessly, offering an intuitive and engaging user experience.


Additionally, I'm proficient in optimizing WordPress websites for performance and security, ensuring that your digital presence is both fast and resilient against potential threats.


With WordPress as my canvas, let's embark on a journey to create a website that stands out and delivers exceptional results. Your online success story starts here.

WordPress Security

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, security is paramount. When it comes to WordPress, safeguarding your website against potential threats is not just a task; it's my mission.


As a dedicated guardian of WordPress security, I employ a multi-layered approach to protect your online assets. My expertise encompasses robust practices, cutting-edge technology, and continuous vigilance.


I begin by fortifying your website's perimeter, implementing the latest security protocols, and regularly updating core software and plugins. I conduct comprehensive security audits to identify vulnerabilities and promptly patch any potential entry points for hackers.


For added peace of mind, I employ advanced intrusion detection systems and firewall protection to proactively monitor and prevent malicious activity. Regular backups ensure that your valuable data remains safe and recoverable in the face of unforeseen circumstances.


I also educate and empower you to take an active role in your website's security, providing tips and best practices to maintain a secure online presence.

Your WordPress website is not just a digital asset; it's your online identity. With me as your security partner, you can rest assured that your online fortress is impenetrable. Your peace of mind is my priority.

2018 - 2023
Field HR Navigator
Avant Healthcare Professionals

Maitland, FL

Graphic and Web Designer

Cypress, Texas

Graphic Designer & Web Designer

Ocala, Florida

IT Manager
Southeastern Beauty Schools

Macon, GA

2006 - 2010
Baker University
United States

Flint, Michigan

2004 - 2006
College of Central Florida
United States

Ocala, Florida

Programming Course
Daytona Beach

Udemy: Coursework - Git, WordPress, Javascript, iOS, Android.

  • WordPress
  • Angular / JavaScript
  • HTML / CSS
  • Website hosting
  • WordPress Development
  • Hosting Installation
  • SEO Optimize
  • Responsive and mobile-ready
  • Advertising services
  • HTML, CSS, jQuery
  • Search engine marketing
  • Javascript (React, and Next.js)
  • Angular
  • jQuery
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • IT Specialist: Proficient in programming languages Networking skills Troubleshooting expertise Cybersecurity knowledge
  • Graphic and Web Design: Adobe Creative Suite proficiency UI/UX design skills Web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) Knowledge of design tools/platforms
  • Customer Service: Strong communication skills Empathy and active listening Problem-solving ability Knowledge of CRM systems
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